Tracy Erickson
Tracy Erickson is a registered dietitian and an international board certified and registered lactation consultant with over 26 years of experience with the Texas Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC). Tracy served Texas WIC in various roles, including as a local agency breastfeeding coordinator, as the state breastfeeding coordinator and trainer, and as the State Infant Feeding Branch manager.
She has more than 19 years of experience designing and managing programs and initiatives to promote breastfeeding and to support women in achieving their personal infant-feeding goals. As the Texas WIC Infant Feeding Branch manager, Tracy oversaw all of Texas WIC's infant-feeding related programs and activities including WIC participant education, WIC staff and health care provider training, infant formula activities, the WIC Peer Counselor Program, the Texas Ten Step Program, and other community-based programs designed to improve WIC client breastfeeding and health outcomes.